Friday, 9 May 2008

The Cockpit Arts

I discovered the Cockpit Arts at Greenwich market where a lady who was selling knitted cushions (and other goodies) told me that where she has her studio. There is one in Deptford and one near Holborn.

So if anyone needs extra workspace and lives in London, this may be a good option as the prices are suppose to be reasonable and there appears to be a lot of support for artist and crafters. I'm planning on going to their open studio day event in Deptford either on Saturday 17 May or Sunday 18 May 2008. It is a chance for the public to meet the designers, their work and purchase some of their products. They also have professional development session which is about £20 for non studio owners such as marketing your products etc. May be worth a look and I will be taking my rascal (I think there may be a treasure hunt for the kids).

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